solar panel

  1. Let The Sun Shine Bright!

    Let The Sun Shine Bright!

    Geleen, 18 January 2019How convenient would it be to use sunlight to heat our buildings? Or to power our lights? Maybe even power our computers and the PCB machines in our workshop?
    Well, that is exactly what we do! With our new solar panels, we generate our own energy to power our offices, workshop and storage. Sunshine literally flows through our business!

    Solar energy is one of the fastest growing technologies. Worldwide, more businesses and houses line their roofs with solar panels to generate their own (technically free) power. Besides the lower energy costs, the environmental impact arouses a lot of interest as solar panels reduce their environmental footprint drastically.
    On the contrary to what is often thought, it's not a new technology! The first solar cell was developed in the 19th century, with an efficiency of 1%. Currently, most solar panels have a efficiency of 15-20%, with some commercial panels reaching 40%. The technology

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  2. 100% Vitech, 100% Green

    100% Vitech, 100% Green

    Geleen, 11 January 2019 - Vitech International B.V. is proud to announce that since recently we use 100% green power. Our energy is generated by wind in the North Sea and our own solar panels.

    Solar energy and its panels are sustainable and soundless. The energy that it generates is immediately used to power our offices, workshop and storage.  And if more power is generated than we need, it’ll be saved for those days the sun won’t show its face or transferred into the grid at the disposal of others. A solar panel has a lifespan of 30 to 40 years and barely needs maintenance. The maximum efficiency is reached when the

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