The new Vitech International BV

  1. Refurbished Parts

    Refurbished Parts

    Geleen, 19 October 2017And yet again we have come to an end of the series the new vitech international BV. This week’s blog will be about our stock, our refurbished stock in particular. We want to elucidate the pros and cons of a refurbished part, by explaining what refurbished exactly is. So hopefully at the end of this blog, you’ve gained some understanding of why we give you the opportunity to choose for a refurbished part.

    What is refurbished?

    Refurbished is a popular word, many companies try to sell you refurbished parts. For example, refurbished iPhones, refurbished computers or even refurbished office supply. But does refurbished exactly mean, and why should you even consider buying it. Refurbished lite

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  2. With a New Direction, Comes a New Facility

    With a New Direction, Comes a New Facility

    Geleen, 9 November 2017Last week we had the last part of the series The people of Vitech. This week we’ll start with a new series, the new Vitech International BV. This week’s subject is, With a new direction, comes a new facilityDue to the growth of Vitech, there was a need for new offices and a bigger workshop. We fulfilled this need by moving into the neighbouring property which is at the same location as before: Heiweg 14, Geleen in The Netherlands.

    Old location

    We will not leave our previous location entirely. As a result of the separation of the two divis

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